The Reform School Italian Dubbed [PATCHED]
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The Reform School Italian Dubbed: A New Documentary on Italy's Education System
The Reform School Italian Dubbed is a new documentary film that explores the challenges and opportunities of Italy's education system, which underwent a major reform in 2015. The film follows the stories of students, teachers, parents and policymakers who are involved in the implementation of the reform, called La Buona Scuola (The Good School).
The reform aims to create an integrated early childhood education and care (ECEC) system, to strengthen the link between school and work, to improve digital skills, to foster competence-based learning, to enhance teacher training and evaluation, and to promote local school networks. The film shows how these changes are affecting the daily lives of those who work and learn in the Italian schools, highlighting both the successes and the difficulties of the reform process.
The film also provides a comparative perspective on the Italian education system, by interviewing experts and researchers from other countries who share their insights and best practices. The film is dubbed in Italian, with English subtitles, and features original music composed by Italian artists.
The Reform School Italian Dubbed is a co-production of RAI Cinema and Cinecittà Luce, with the support of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. The film is directed by Marco Tullio Giordana, a renowned Italian filmmaker who has previously directed acclaimed films such as The Best of Youth and Romanzo Criminale. The film is scheduled to premiere at the Venice Film Festival in September 2023, and will be released in cinemas and streaming platforms later this year.
The film also examines the controversial aspects of the reform, such as the introduction of the alternanza scuola-lavoro (school-work alternation), a compulsory programme that requires students to spend a certain number of hours per year in work placements related to their field of study. The film explores the benefits and the risks of this initiative, which aims to reduce school dropout and improve employability, but also raises questions about the quality and safety of the work experiences, as well as the potential exploitation of students by employers.
Another critical issue addressed by the film is the evaluation of teachers, which has been introduced by the reform as a tool to reward merit and improve professional development. The film shows how teachers have reacted to this novelty, which involves both internal and external evaluation, and how they have coped with the increased workload and responsibilities. The film also highlights the role of the Carta del Docente (Teacher's Card), a bonus of 500 euros per year that teachers can use for their personal and professional growth.
The Reform School Italian Dubbed is not only a documentary, but also an invitation to reflect on the importance of education for the future of Italy and its citizens. The film aims to stimulate a constructive debate on the strengths and weaknesses of the reform, as well as on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the Italian school system. The film hopes to contribute to a culture of change and innovation that can make the Italian school truly a good school for everyone. aa16f39245